Create beautiful maps instantly

MapFast transforms your data into maps in no time.
No need to look for geometric boundaries or coordinates.
Add your data, pick colors, add text and legend.
Download it. Fast!

Create a map for free

Why maps ?

Maps attract attention of people. Maps will enable you to better communicate your data to your own company or to the world.

Take a look at what others created:

Creating maps is hard.

Finding the right geometries is complicated

Mapping out geographic boundaries can be a real hassle. You often have to juggle different file formats, manually input data into tools like QGIS, or write intricate scripts in Python or R. It's not just time-consuming—it's a drain on your productivity.

MapFast automatically fetches the most relevant geometric outlines for your project and match your data to these outlines.

Making a beautiful map? Bonne chance...

Have you struggled with adding text or customizing colors in Python or R? Found QGIS overly complex for simple tasks? Felt limited by the customization options in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets? You're not alone.

Easily adjust colors, add outlines and legends, and incorporate text, emojis, and images to your maps.

Try it now

No account required.
Create your map for free.
Upgrade if you need to.

Create a map

Frequently Asked Questions

MapFast supports CSV (and Excel soon!) file formats. At its most basic structure, you only need two columns. One that contains the geolocation label and another for the data you want to plot on map.

You don't need it, MapFast will geocode your data and associate it with coordinates automatically. You only need the ensure that there is a column that contain your geographical information, i.e. a full address or city name or country name, ...

No. MapFast was created to simplify the Mapping process, especially when it comes to finding the right boundaries for tabular data data. You don't need to provide any shapefile or geojson file.

Name it like you want ! MapFast will detect automatically and/or ask you those that can be used for the mapping process.

We prioritize data security. Your data is transmitted over secure channels, and we do not store it on our servers longer than necessary. Without an account, your data is stored 14 days then fully removed. With an account, it is stored until you decide to delete your map.

Absolutely! MapFast offers a variety of customization options, including color schemes, adding legends, and inserting text labels to help you convey your data as clearly as possible.

MapFast offers free access to create your first few maps. For continued usage and access to advanced features, you might consider one of our subscription plans, which offer different limits based on your needs.

You can export your maps in PNG or SVG formats, allowing for both raster and vector representations of your data. Choose the format that best suits your needs.

Ready to create beautiful maps?